

Migraines are severe, recurring, and painful headaches. The extreme pain that migraines cause can last for hours or even days.

The exact cause of migraines is not yet known.It is suspected that migraine results from abnormal activity in the brain. This can affect the way nerves communicate as well as the chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

Headacheusually starts on one side of the head, typically at the front or side. Sometimes it is on both sides of the head. Sometimes it starts on one side and then spreads all over the head. The pain is moderate or severe and is often described as throbbing or pulsating.

Causes -

  1. Hormonal changes: Women may experience migraine symptoms during menstruation
  2. Emotional triggers such as stress, anxiety , depression or shock
  3. Physical causes such as tiredness and insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, sitting in poor posture, and physical overexertion.
  4. Diet triggers - Alcohol and caffeine can contribute to triggering migraine.
  5. Medications.
  6. Triggers in the environment such as strong smells, smoke, and loud noises can set off a migraine. Stuffy rooms, temperature changes.

Symptoms –

  1. Blurred vision.
  2. Poor concentration.
  3. Stuffy nose.
  4. Sweating
  5. Hunger.
  6. Diarrhoea.
  7. Tummy (abdominal) pain.

Treatment –

Lifestyle changes that might help reduce the frequency of migraines include:
  1. getting enough sleep of 7 to 8 hours
  2. reducing stress
  3. drinking plenty of water
  4. avoiding certain foods
  5. regular physical exercise